3 Easy Steps: Build your sustainable Flycatcher – for free!
After making and testing many renditions of fly catchers, some of them explained in blog “Fly problem? No problem, just harvest them!” this was by far the best of all the experiments.
What you need:

1 x plastic 2-liter cool drink bottle
Sharp knife or scissors
200mm x 200mm wire or plastic mesh to create funnel – holes smaller than flies
Thin wire
Step 1:
Cut bottle where broad section becomes narrower – then cut through again about 100mm from the large opening you created. Heat nail with candle and poke holes in narrow section of “lid” about 10/20mm apart.

Step 2:
Cut mesh 20mm bigger than top of bottom section of bottle into circle; take piece of thin wire into middle of circle and cut out quarter of mesh to resemble Pac Man; fold two sides together and “stitch” with wire to form a cone.

Step 3:
Stitch cone to plastic top through holes created with wire on smallest opening. Cut small hole in cone just big enough for flies to get in; add bait as per previous blog and place cone in bottom half. Wait.

Nobody I know however, and I know some shady characters, want dog turd bearing meat infused plastic cooldrink bottles all over the garden – so here is a couple of examples of how I hide them, let your imagination flow. Picture on left is from my blog “Got a Wall – you can eat!”

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